Community Medicine

We provide all-round community medicine services. Our holisitic approach ensures that primary health care is dispensed in a safe and empathetic environment.

Drawing from our vast experience, we engage all community stakeholders to provide sensitization, testing and treatment. We do diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses for all ages, preventive checkups, routine maternity and newborn care, vaccinations and minor surgeries.

Because of our involvment in the health of the family from the very beginning, we create and grow a relationship that continually cares for medical needs of all.

In a world where disease outbreaks can happen without warning, a proactive approach is essential to ensure keep our community is safe medically. That is what we offer at Stowecroft medical.

And when outbreaks do occur, our professionals are ready to fearlessly support the community until full health is restored.



Colour Doppler Imaging

X-ray Imaging



Computed Tomography (CT Scan)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

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